Top 7 Reasons Why The SaaS Mode of Business Rocks!

SaaSro SaaS Solutions
3 min readJun 25, 2021

Are you wondering how businesses will sustain the after-effects of the global pandemic? If yes, then you are at the right place! The way technology is commercialized is changing with time. On premium software, the world is becoming a thing of the past, while the cloud grows rapidly with many companies making the transition into subscription-based services. Although the pandemic has shattered the world’s economy, some businesses are still able to sustain and make profits with the help of the SAAS mode of business. One such example is Zoho, which offers a suite of business, collaboration, and productivity applications. Zoho CEO Vembu advised that having any paying customer during these times is better than only looking for high-value clients. Zoho CRM saw a 35 % growth in active users in Q2 and Q3,2020 during the pandemic.

As a business owner, you should be ready to make the right choice considering all possibilities of success rates. To know why many companies nowadays transition to SaaS, check out the advantages of the SaaS business model.

Here are a few reasons why SAAS mode of business rocks.

  1. Focus on your business. Focus on what you are good at and leave the rest to the experts who know how to solve the issue. No need to manage your own servers, recruiting a tech team. You just need to pay subscription charges.
  2. No more managing hassle: You don’t have to purchase high configuration servers and set up an IT team to manage them. Don’t need to pay for your team and server. Just pay for what you use.
  3. Flexible payment options: Have a flexible payment option with SaaS mode. You can now choose the plan you are comfortable with and upgrade to higher plans when you have more usage or demand. Fortunately, with many of the SAAS providers, you can upgrade, downgrade several times a month or a year.
  4. Predictable pricing: All ways have your costing predictable. You are set at a fixed cost no matter how much you use the product. Though you may have to switch to a higher plan if your usage goes higher but you can predict how much you are going to burn by end of the month.
  5. Scalability: If your usage raises, you are covered. Feel relaxed that your application is always matching the demand your user base is looking for. It automatically scales down your application if your usage goes down. All that is done for free of cost is included in your subscription fee.
  6. Managed 24X7 by expert teams: No need to call your tech team if something goes wrong at middle of the night or at a peak situation. Most business-critical solutions will have 24X7 customer support and a tech team who is supporting the application round the clock.
  7. Peace of mind: Ever wanted to have peace of mind without managing the hassle of managing the IT teams, infrastructure, software licenses, bills. SAAS is the best way to go. You just pay for the monthly usage charges and the rest all is taken care of.
  8. Constant updates: Developing a software solution is just halfway done. Maintaining it is altogether a different ball game. Updating it with software updates, security updates against threats is a mandatory phase for all software systems. This is handled by Saas provider at no extra costs.
  9. Security: It is a myth that SAAS providers provide less security compared to on-premise solutions. Security is taken as seriously as any other software system. With encryption for data at rest, and for data in transit, world-class data centers with physical security, system, and software upgrades make SAAS solutions to be highly secure as well.

There is a high possibility of earning higher revenues from the Indian market for SaaS companies thus breaking their dependence on the Western market for scale and growth.

If you are building your software solution and not sure what technology to choose from, book a free appointment with our team to get expert advice. Stay tune with SaaSro to kickstart your business idea! Follow us on Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook.



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